We maintain an agile structure that allows us to manage several engagements with a lean team. We have a team of experts and work closely and collaboratively with client teams in a way that builds trust and confidence in our work.
Anthony K. Ngige
Anthony is the Founder and Chief Executive of Stealth Africa
Consulting LLP. He has
more than 15 years experience in risk and compliance, forensic accounting and
investigations. He worked for Standard Chartered Bank Finance Hub for East, Central
and Southern Africa where he conducted risk assessments on finance systems and
processes. He thereafter joined KPMG and conducted forensic and restructuring
assignments in Eastern Africa before joining Safaricom Limited. At Safaricom,
Anthony rose through the ranks in the Risk Division to lead the fraud detection and
analysis team. In this role he developed early warning systems, processes and anti-
fraud controls saving the company millions of shillings annually. Anthony was
consistently named top talent in Safaricom before leaving to pursue further studies
in UK.
During his time abroad, he developed business and risk strategies for several local
enterprises under an initiative by GOAL Ireland in Latin America and developed fit-
for-purpose anti-bribery and corruption, risk and compliance programs for
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) category teams in Europe. He also devised business and
operational strategies for the largest global publisher, Pearson, based in London.
Anthony has conducted assignments/ projects in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda,
Ethiopia, South Sudan, The Sudan (North), Tunisia, Madagascar, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique, South Africa, Honduras,
Panama, Peru, Philippines, East Timor, UK, France, Germany, Italy and
Anthony holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from University of Nairobi, Kenya,
and a Master of Business Administration, Finance Concentration, from University of
Cambridge, UK. At Cambridge, he was awarded the Tim Lee Prize for best student in
strategy and earned several distinctions including one on Ethics and Governance.
Anthony is also a Certified Public Accountant (Kenya), Certified Information Systems
Auditor (USA), a Certified Fraud Examiner (USA), a Certified Questioned Document
and Handwriting Expert and holds several other global certifications.

Our forensic accountants are Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE) and Certified Public Accountants (CPA-K)

The team is composed of Encase Certified Examiners (ENCE) and Cyberforensics experts

Our team consists of certified Questioned Document Examiners with years of experience in fingerprint and handwriting examination

We have among our consultants/investigators former Kenya Police CID officers including a former Chief Inspector of Police with over 20 years’ experience conducting advanced investigations in Economic Crimes.

Our consultants are Certified Information System Auditors and have years of experience in assisting organisations to identify, analyse, manage and/or exploit risks and to develop appropriate risk strategies and response plans

We have specialist skills, knowledge and experience to help litigant(s), legal counsel or parties in a dispute, in court or out of court, on white collar crime matters.